Greetings and Blessings lovely folks, and a happy, healthy, successful and peaceful 2025 to you all! Against all odds, we all made it into this latest year alive and hopefully, we’ll see the year through with zero mishaps and countless blessings.
So, first thing I've done for myself this new year is that I've opted to become Un-agented from the first of January. Naturally, I gave my agent a notice period last year, and now, it has become reality. It wasn't an easy decision to make, especially as I've had a very successful partnership with my agent. There's also that worry about not being signed on to an agent, a major goal most writers seek. I never took the blessing of having an agent lightly and always gave daily prayers of gratitude for that privilege. But in the end, I had to listen to my awesome ancestors once again when they told me it was time to end my partnership with my agent and await their next message.
So, in obedience to their words, I returned myself to the state I used to be in the days I desperately searched unsuccessfully for an agent, until my ancestors told me to quit searching and await the agent they would send to me. And true to their words, my agent came knocking out of the blue and the rest is history.
I have no idea what the future holds and I'm not stressing myself about it. What will be will be. Everything is now in the divine hands of my beloved ancestors. Right now, I'm just loving the joy of writing with no thoughts of agents, publishers, promotion, readers, reviewers or sales. Incredibly, I've reconnected with my first love of “the story" - just the story in whatever form it presents itself; without timetables, without plans, and with an ocean-full of joy and excitement. And that is enough for me right now. I’m no longer worried about time not being a friend and my stories not completed before I'm dragged into the other realm. If death or the nuclear bomb comes calling, then everything might not matter in the end.
As of today, I've completed a 103,000-word novel and almost 30,000 words into the second one - and all within the last three months. My folder of completed works now has three novels and two short-story collections. Should my ancestors send me another agent, I’ll definitely have enough works to keep them busy. But until then, I'll continue enjoying the craft of writing, the exciting journey with my characters in their fascinating worlds, and the thrill of watching where the story ultimately leads me.
So, here's wishing everyone a really good and productive 2025 and hope all your dreams come true. Break free and seek new horizons! Be fearless and trust in the universe, your ancestors or God to guide you to your desired goal. Don’t remain inside your comfort zone, but instead, venture out of your writing shire for a fantastic hobbit adventure. Let 2025 be “to infinity and beyond” for you and your writing! I’m hoping for greater inspiration and for the magic of writing my masterpiece, whatever it is. I’ll know when I write it. In the meantime, I’m taking my time and not rushing or overthinking stuff. All is well! Power to you all!
A quick reminder that my book, WHERE THE DEAD BRIDES GATHER, is still on sale and in fact, it got a brilliant review in the latest BSFA Newsletter. I also have two books out this year and both are now available for preorders. So, please continue your kind support as always and again, stay safe and well this wonderful 2025 xx
THE FAKE GHOST (Released August 12th 2025 by Dead Sky Publishing)
FUTILITY (Released October 14th 2025 by Titan Books)