Hello, my wonderful readers and supporters!
First of all, many, many thanks to the universe for keeping you all safe from the horrors of the pandemic. Against all odds, we came through it when many others didn’t; we’re still standing; we are truly blessed.
Like many of you, the pandemic was full of trials but doing a one-million steps marathon and raising money for Diabetes UK helped me cope with the Covid demons. And now, for the first time in five years—yes, you heard right—five long years, another African Horror novel from yours truly is about to be published! Hurray & Hurray!! Several short stories and a couple of novellas had been published in different anthologies in that interval, but never a novel. So, one can understand my excitement. Hopefully, you’re just as excited too 😊 So, for the details of the upcoming novel.
The novel is titled “A DANCE FOR THE DEAD”
Paperback Published by STYGIAN SKY MEDIA
Publication date is 11th OCTOBER 2022
It’s hard to express my feelings at this stage. There’s excitement of course, but also anxiety and self-doubt. There’s the fear that my writing skills are permanently lost after the long hiatus; that my readers may not enjoy or connect with the story; that the new demographics, the readers that patronise works by my amazing publishers, may not connect with my book since it’s something outside their familiar reads. Finally and most importantly, there’s a constant worry that my interview and communication skills have been annihilated by the long period of the lockdown.
Much worse, a new disease took hold of me during this dire period, a loathing of the word, “I”. Hearing the word, “I”, these days, always leaves me with a feeling of intense irritation. “I”, the extreme ego, yet, the great reaffirmation of self. So, why is it a source of personal irritation? Is it because of the extreme I-Ego and insensitivity displayed by some celebrities during the lockdown? Is it because the lockdown made us so insular that many of us have turned into selfish, self-engrossed egocentrics who can only talk about I, I, I and Me, Me, Me? Not sure, but it sure makes things awkward when trying to hold a conversation while striving to avoid saying “I”. Good thing is it makes one listen more and ponder words longer before speaking. It’s impossible of course to totally omit the dreaded I-word from my speech, but we can only try. It’s one of my obsessive quirks which might soon pass, touchwood.
So, please make a date with October 11th 2022! The special edition hardcover of A DANCE FOR THE DEAD is already available for pre-orders from Stygian Sky Media website (Click Here) While there’s anxiety about the book, nonetheless, the wonderful and kind words from peers I truly respect, such as Paul Tremblay, Eugen Bacon, and Jeremy Bates, have gone a long way to assuage my fears. In particular, Paul and Jeremy encouraged me when the original publishers embarked on a horrendous massacre of my book during their final edits. Reclaiming my rights to the book meant hunting for a new publisher. In Paul’s words at the time, “I’m so sorry to hear of the difficulties…It’s okay to use my blurb and maybe use it while you’re trying to resell the book. Can’t hurt?” And Jeremey sent an amazing, insightful, and encouraging message that included the following, “I’m so sorry to hear that…You have an excellent book and I’m more than happy with you using my blurb.” What awesome and amazing guys!!!
Indeed, there’s little doubt that their endorsements helped sell A DANCE FOR THE DEAD to my new publisher, STYGIAN SKY MEDIA. The owners, Jarod Barbee and Jeremy Wagner, just ooze coolness and professionalism. These guys simply want to deliver great and exciting diverse horror to their readers and have allowed my story to retain its authenticity. They made me fall in love all over again with the book. I can’t thank them enough and hope that you, my dear and valued readers, will enjoy the return of African Horror once again. Please check your inbox for further updates about my journey with A DANCE FOR THE DEAD, and I PROMISE not to spam you or bombard you beyond a monthly update 😊
So, here’s hoping the kind words about the book below, help inspire you to read it. As ever, beaming you all light and health. May the universe always surround you all with kind people.
Review by Paul Tremblay, author of A Head Full of Ghosts and Survivor Song.
"Nuzo Onoh's A DANCE FOR THE DEAD is a thrilling, creepy, and moving novel about betrayal, sacrifice, redemption, and the weighty but necessary cost of reconciliation and restitution. Very powerful. A story I won't soon forget."
Review by Eugen Bacon, author of DANGED BLACK THING and IVORY’S STORY
Nuzo Onoh writes simply and powerfully, masterful at a calibre of African horror that yanks out your outrage, solidifies your fear. A lethal yet riveting dose of magical realism.
Review by Jeremy Bates, author of SUICIDE FOREST and THE SLEEP EXPERIMENT
"Nuzo Onoh's novel, A DANCE FOR THE DEAD is a mesmerizing and terrifying thrill-ride from start to finish. I haven't read anything really like this before. Crafty plot twists, brisk pacing, and multi-dimensional characters bring the story to life and will keep readers turning the pages well into the night."
Congratulations on your upcoming release. Can't wait!
Congratulations on your upcoming release! Can't wait!