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Hello! Thanks for checking in to my monthly short stories of mystery and terror from the African continent, aimed at keeping you chillingly entertained. I'm Nuzo Onoh and I'm popularly referred to as the “Queen of African Horror” and can't wait to introduce you to a new kind of terror.

Some of the stories are inspired by real nightmares I experience almost every night, while others are stories of true events told to me by my elders and villagers…at least, they claim these mind-boggling tales I'll be sharing with you really happened!

Those of you familiar with my works already have an idea of what to expect, and those new to African Horror can prepare themselves for something excitingly new and fascinating.

So, if you're ready, gear up for this wild ride with me and subscribe if you haven't already done so, to get ready access to my stories and ensure you never miss an update .

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Subscribe to Nuzo's Nightmare Zone

Tales of Terror & Mystery from Africa & Everything In-between


Hailed as the Queen of African Horror, Nuzo Onoh is a Nigerian-British writer of chilling, speculative fiction from the African continent. She's a Bramstoker Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.